Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Crochet Braids with Marley hair.

don't even know why they call it crochet braids. I mean, it's a weave don't you think? 
I was going through a spell, and I was super tired of Fro driving me nuts. The mister knew it was coming..... Another failed attempt at a different do. And I was bent on it too! So I lived on YouTube. Lawd I did! 
Then I started having visions of myself as a hair pro. Pst! Then I decided to go at it.

So I tried and succeeded! This monster of a marley crochet braid was the ish! That night I mean. Then I woke up. Poof! Hair everywhere! My head was as big as my pillow. I could tell mister was not fond of it but he kept mum. Smart fella. 
See, the vision was for it to look like so,

On the wedding day that is, not after lol! 
I absolutely had not time the night before or morning of the wedding to re-dip the hair to create the look I was going for. So I bravely befriended the giant Fro. Next day was a dear friend's wedding. This naturale was going to rock it! 

The pic above was after I re-dipped the mess to tame it a little bit (days after the weddo). It wasn't that bad on the big day actually, except I think my head took more mega pixels than necessary in the pictures. 😛

There we are! Fro and I taking center! Looks fab though don't you think? The bride was stunning, and her girls? Well, we were super hot! Loved our dresses! 

Back to the hair story. 

Few days later, I had to do something different with my crochet weave. Ahem! Braid. 
Then another day...

Creativity fixes lots of messes. 
Would I do marley hair again? Prolly as twists, not crochet. Hubby later admitted texture was too rough and he didn't like it. Well, I didn't much care for it either! But those are truths we naturales take to the grave.... Lol!

I think I got my money's worth. But may be a loooong time before I considered crochet braids again. Maybe a curly type of hair. I have done that before but I didn't keep it long at all. 

So this caps off a metamorphosis story of the crochet braid/weave. Have you tried it before? Do you live on YouTube every time before you change styles? Or Google? 

Mrs. Roulette 

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