This time my object of attention was the CurlMax curl pudding.
Bought it at Walmart early last year and hated it on the first use. But again I never read instructions..... still do not know how the manufacturer says to use the darn stuff :-). All I know is that the first time I used it, the slimy feel in my hands conjured up really ugly images in my head. And my mind is never in the gutter y'all (ha!).
Anyway, yesterday, second night of duty (vamp kind of life), i needed to give my edges a break from the poof. And it had to be a quick style. So, my hair is one of those really thirsty kind that breaks and screams for moisure every day no matter what. Instead of spritzing or using my hands to wet it with a lil water, I opted to shower without a cap. The humidity, heat and moisture from the shower was heaven to my hair. Then I remembered this lil acronym I keep reading about in NHBs (Natural hair blogs). Just came up with that too - LOC. Liquid, Oil, Cream. Okay, so liquid is on board (water), I followed with my homemade mousse of coconut oil, shea butter and jojoba oil combo. Then the cream was my all time favorite product Knot Today leave in/detangler.

Then I finished with the curl pudding and walaa!! I think I found a way to maximize its supposed attributes!
I love the soft feel of my hair. Wierd but the oil must have diminished the slimy feel!!! I dont see any caking or flaking at all and no dryness that's out of the norm for my hair after hours of working in a hospital under bright lights and purposefully very dry air. My mane is soft, the curls defined but very small for what I am used to getting with other products (looks like ringlets).
As for shrinkage with this combo of products, it was like 50% I think but I love my teeny weeny fro!I am sure if I was doing twist outs or double twists, I would have retained more length.
I think I will follow this routine often for an easy, on the go look. Different hair types react differently to different hair products. Just because I achieved what was promised is no guarantee for the next person when they follow the exact same routine. Hair has life of its own, personality too. So its alright to write a product off if your hair was not too happy with it. There is a sea of produts out there.
I may have to dig deeper and see what other products I had written off and need a second chance. But on my mind is Cantu hair masque. Will tell you all about it when I give it a try. God bless you all and happy New year 2014!!!
I am all about loving my mane, and living it too!! It ain't that serious!!
Follow up on the lustrasilk curl pudding. Next day my hair was sooooo 'crunchy'! Hated how it felt. So would I use it again? Nope! But I gave it a second chance! Third time is a charm ain't gon fly on this one.
ReplyDeletehey the hair tips tho mine kinda loves water and voila!it gets so curly...
ReplyDeleteTintin I hear ya! After my shampoos I just wanna rock it like that but it would dry up so the only way to lock in that moisture is use an oil to seal the cuticles. I have my home made mousse I use that's heavenly!! Will be featuring it soon as my next batch is due for mixing. Coconut oil, Shea butter, jojoba oil, hmm hmm hm!