Breakage is a hot mess!!! I promise you it is!!
So I had my hair in a lil protective style and really liked the minimal manipulation for two weeks. Well, all was well until I took the crochet weave down. 😞 Sigh. I was horrified at how crispy my hair felt between my fingers. I dreaded combing it out even with my wide toothed comb. I forgot a very important principle while I rocked the curls. Hydration.
With a dreadful feeling, i decided to do a hot oil treatment and see if it will save me the agony of seeing my hairs on the comb and bathtub....... Nope! Too late an intervention.
For the first time since going natural, I shed like a dog. Or Mercedes, Kui's cat. 😝🐈. That kitty gal is something else! Anyway, I lost lots of hair.
A shampoo and condition later, my heart broke over the clumps of hair on the shower floor and on my wide toothed comb.... Sob sob!
I saturated the hair with Mr. Favorite Cantu leave in conditioner (well, not that much. Just a lot!!) and followed with my Shea butter, coconut and jojoba oil concoction. Then I did a simple Bantu twists routine.
I slept on it and unravelled them the next day and used mg concoction again, this time lightly on my hands as I separated each twist to minimize frizz.
So, lesson learnt. Moisturize moisturize moisturize!!! And it doesn't matter the style. I dropped the ball; paid for it too. So my plan is to come up with a concoction that I can use in a spray bottle for ease and to ensure it really gets in there. Research has given me a couple of ideas. Will try them out and will share what works. Not just for open hair but hair in protective styles too - braids, corn rows, and weaves.
All hair needs moisture to keep from breaking. Natural, or permed. Well, At least our kind of hair. Will have to ask Rosa or Cynthia if theirs does too 😜😀☺️.
I love the Bantu twist out. Easy, and gives the hair curl definition.
Gather it up in an up do or let your fro loose. Pin it up for a Mohawk look or whatever. So many ways, so many looks.
Maybe you have experienced breakage too. What's your take on it? What did you do to curb it? Comments on the blog are highly welcome!!
It's your crown, love it, live it, wear it.